“Your body is a temple, but only if you treat it as one.” ~Astrid Alauda

Sunny pineapple smoothie with kiwi and a hint of tumeric

Publicerad 2014-03-28 11:39:00 i Nourishing smoothies,

"Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living?"
- Bob Marley
Good morning this beautiful sunny Friday morning. I started this morning with a big glass of water with apple vinegar in. I will write another blog post more about the benefits of apple vinegar soon. But after that I continued to make a pineapple smoothie with kiwi and a hint of tumeric. Yummy!
Many are aware that this fruit is rich in vitamins. What many are not aware is that pineapple has a host of other health benefits. It has properties that help to fight against various illness and sicknesses such as sinusitis, arthritis, indigestion, infections of the stomach and intestines. It helps to ease indigestion because it is filled with proteolytic enzyme that breaks down protein thereby promoting digestion.

Pineapple is rich in manganese that is necessary to build strong bones and connective tissues. It also has anti–inflammatory properties which when taken regularly, helps to reduce the pain (mild relief) associated with arthritis in elderly.

Drinking a glass of pineapple juice regularly helps to prevent mucous accumulation in the throat. It brings out the mucous during a productive cough and clears the lungs because of its high vitamin C content.

Another benefit of consuming pineapple is that it helps to prevent blood clots. It is a rich source of anti-coagulant. So, people who suffer from bleeding disorders are advised to consume a bowl of pineapples daily.

Adding on to the benefits is the ability to get a healthy oral cavity. Pineapples are acidic in nature; this helps them to prevent any bacterial growth in the mouth thus discouraging plaque growth in the buccal mucosa (the mucous membranes lining the inside of the mouth).

The good news for pregnant women is that consuming pineapple helps reduce morning sickness. Those suffering from terrible morning sickness can consume a bowl of pineapple on empty stomach to help ease this problem.
So go ahead and enjoy pineapple!
All you need to make a pineapple smoothie is a blender and:
1 pineapple
1 kiwi
a hint of timeric
cut and mix all for a delicious sunny morning smoothie.
Have a beautiful day!


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Welcome to my blog! I am a Raw food & a plant based diet enthusiast from Sweden, living in Copenhagen. I grew up partly on only eating raw food, having parents that were way ahead in the 80s. I mainly eat a plant-based diet because I want to nourish my body, have clarity in my mind, my soul and my heart. I'm into the pureness of whole foods, health and positive living. I believe the best thing you can do for yourself is to listen to your own body and eat what makes you feel good and happy. My personal approach to vegetarian and raw food is to keep it simple! Back to basics. In this blog I share information and tips for inspiration on physical, mental and emotional health.

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